Unlocking Potential: The Owls Hollow Rd Lot Split Project

September 19, 2023

Creating 3 homesites on a challenging parcel

In the picturesque landscape of Etowah County, Alabama, nestled northeast of Gadsden, lies a tale of transformation. This is a story of a small lot split project that turned an inaccessible tract of land into three promising parcels of opportunity. While it may not be as expansive as some of our other ventures, the Owls Hollow Rd project came with its unique set of challenges and highlights the dedication and expertise that Land Legacy Partners brings to every endeavor.

Project Overview: A Path Through the Thicket

The Owls Hollow Rd project encompassed a total of 34 acres. Unlike some of our other developments, this was a relatively straightforward subdivision in terms of the number of lots created. However, the real challenge lay in the land itself. A decade prior, the property had undergone timber harvesting, leaving behind a dense thicket of small trees and brush that made access nearly impossible.

Our mission was clear: unlock the potential of this land and make it accessible for future landowners. To achieve this, we split the property into three separate lots, each with its own unique appeal. But before any lots could be created, we had to overcome the obstacles posed by the thick undergrowth and rugged terrain.

Challenges and Solutions

One of the first major tasks in this project was clearing the land. A decade of unchecked growth had led to a tangle of small trees and brush that concealed the property’s true potential. To create access to each parcel, substantial clearing was required. This involved not only the removal of the thick vegetation but also the clearing of a path through the rugged terrain.

As any land developer knows, sometimes you have to move earth to make way for progress. In this case, we had to cut into the hillside to create suitable homesites and construct gravel driveways complete with culverts. This was a critical step in making the land accessible and preparing it for future development.


With access roads and homesites in mind, we also had to consider the management of rainwater. The natural landscape of the property, combined with the changes we were making, necessitated careful planning to prevent erosion and ensure proper drainage.

Working in collaboration with the county engineer, we determined the appropriate pipe sizes and designed a system to direct rainwater off the driveways and into the drainage ditches alongside the road. This not only mitigated the risk of erosion but also ensured that the land could withstand heavy rainfall and remain accessible year-round.

A Capital Requirement – Dirt work ain’t cheap

While this project may not have been as extensive as some of our larger developments, it was not without its costs. The combined expenses for clearing, driveway construction, culverts, and survey work amounted to approximately $35,000. These investments were essential to transform the once-inaccessible land into valuable, buildable lots.

The Owls Hollow Rd project exemplifies Land Legacy Partners’ commitment to turning challenging tracts of land into valuable assets. We take pride in our ability to navigate obstacles, from dense undergrowth to rugged terrain, and transform them into opportunities for landowners and investors.

In this instance, we not only split the land but also unlocked its potential. We provided solutions to landowners who faced the challenge of selling a tract of land that was otherwise inaccessible without significant dirt and clearing work. By creating buildable lots, we not only enhanced the land’s value but also expanded the possibilities for future development.

Turning Challenges into Opportunities: That’s the Land Legacy Partners Way.

The Owls Hollow Rd project is a testament to our dedication to providing tailored solutions for landowners. While it may not have been the largest or most complex project we’ve undertaken, it showcases our ability to turn challenges into opportunities. We’re proud to have been part of this transformation, unlocking the potential of the property.

If you have a challenging tract of land that you’re looking to develop, subdivide, or sell, Land Legacy Partners is here to assist you. Our expertise in land development, project management, and problem-solving can turn your land into a valuable asset. Contact us today to discuss how we can work together to achieve your land-related goals.

Justin Piche

Cultivating Legacies, One Project at a Time. Trust in our expertise and let's explore the possibilities for your property.