Transforming 174 Acres into a Lakeside Haven

August 30, 2023

The Journey of Crafting Woods Bend Shores:

Creating Woods Bend Shores wasn’t just another real estate venture for me; it was a passionate project built from the ground up—quite literally. If you’re a landowner contemplating the sale of your property, I want to share with you the strategic and deliberate steps we took to turn an undeveloped parcel into a desirable residential subdivision, one that families can proudly call home for generations to come.

The Starting Point: 174 Acres of Raw Potential

Our story began with a 174-acre plot of untouched land, brimming with potential but in need of vision, planning, and a significant financial commitment. Knowing the potential of the site, especially its proximity to Logan Martin Lake, we recognized the latent value within these rolling acres. We acquired the property, keenly aware that it would take more than just ownership to unlock its true potential.

Mobilizing Resources: Capital, Surveying, and Clearing

Acquiring the land was just the beginning; the real work had only just commenced. First on the agenda was deploying the capital required to transform this property into a thriving residential community. This involved a meticulous survey to delineate the lots optimally, preserving the natural beauty of the area while ensuring that each plot would provide an idyllic living space.

Next came the phase of land clearing. This wasn’t just about bulldozers leveling the earth; it was a calculated process aimed at responsible land management. A staggering $120,000 was invested solely in dirt work, as we reshaped the landscape to suit residential development without compromising its ecological balance. Another $25,000 was invested in the survey and engineering work. We also drilled a $10,000 test well on one of the lots to ensure future owners knew exactly what to expect from a water perspective!

Navigating Challenges: Environment and Zoning Regulations

Developing rural land comes with its share of challenges, and Woods Bend Shores was no exception. Zoning laws had to be navigated, and responsible environmental practices were rigorously observed to protect the unique ecosystem of the region. Every permit and every stage of the process was conducted in alignment with local, state, and federal guidelines.

The Final Product: Woods Bend Shores

After months of careful planning, relentless execution, and thoughtful development, the 174 acres morphed into Woods Bend Shores—a collection of premium waterfront and off-water lots that offer a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for families to build their legacy homes.

This endeavor was more than just a real estate project; it was a lesson in turning raw earth into something invaluable. We didn’t just carve out lots; we built communities. We didn’t just change the landscape; we transformed lives by giving families a chance to establish their roots in a place they’d be proud to call home.

Credibility: A Promise to Landowners

For landowners contemplating the sale of their property, Woods Bend Shores stands as a testament to what is achievable with the right vision, planning, and execution. We don’t just buy land; we enrich it, uplift it, and most importantly, respect it. We see beyond the dirt, the trees, and the waterfront, to the potential homes, memories, and legacies that can be built upon it.

In choosing to work with us, you’re opting for a partner who recognizes the inherent value in land and knows how to maximize its potential responsibly. Woods Bend Shores is not just a project; it’s proof of what we can achieve together. So let’s build something extraordinary.

Justin Piche

Cultivating Legacies, One Project at a Time. Trust in our expertise and let's explore the possibilities for your property.